Hidden Valley Road: A must-read for anyone interested in biology, mental illness, or the human condition


Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family is a 2017 memoir by author Robert Kolker. It tells the story of the Galvin family, who had twelve children, six of whom were diagnosed with schizophrenia. Kolker spent ten years interviewing the family members and their doctors, and she also reviewed their medical records. The book is a fascinating and moving exploration of the nature of mental illness, the power of family, and the resilience of the human spirit.


While Hidden Valley Road is not a biology textbook in the traditional sense, it does provide a unique and insightful look at one of the most complex and challenging areas of biology: the brain. Kolker explains the science behind schizophrenia in a clear and accessible way, and she also explores the ethical and social implications of genetic testing and other advances in neuroscience.

In addition to being a well-written and informative book, Hidden Valley Road is also a deeply moving story about a family struggling to cope with a devastating illness. Kolker's compassion and empathy for the Galvins is evident on every page, and she does a masterful job of conveying the emotional impact of schizophrenia on both the patients and their loved ones.

Here are some reasons why you should order the book today:

  • It is a fascinating and informative look at the nature of mental illness. Kolker does a masterful job of explaining the science behind schizophrenia in a clear and accessible way, and she also explores the ethical and social implications of genetic testing and other advances in neuroscience.
  • It is a deeply moving story about a family struggling to cope with a devastating illness. Kolker's compassion and empathy for the Galvins is evident on every page, and she does a masterful job of conveying the emotional impact of schizophrenia on both the patients and their loved ones.
  • It is a must-read for anyone interested in biology, mental illness, or the human condition. Hidden Valley Road is a well-written and informative book that will challenge your thinking and stay with you long after you finish reading it.

If you are interested in learning more about schizophrenia, the human brain, or the resilience of the human spirit, I highly encourage you to order Hidden Valley Road today. You can find it on Amazon here: Amazon affiliate link.

Here are some additional thoughts on the book:

  • Hidden Valley Road is a valuable resource for students and researchers in the field of biology and mental health. It provides a unique and insightful perspective on the nature of mental illness, and it also raises important questions about the ethical and social implications of advances in neuroscience.
  • The book is also a must-read for anyone who has been personally affected by schizophrenia, either as a patient or as a loved one. Kolker's compassion and understanding will resonate with anyone who has experienced the challenges of this devastating illness.
  • Finally, Hidden Valley Road is simply a beautifully written and thought-provoking book. It is a reminder of the power of family, the resilience of the human spirit, and the importance of understanding mental illness.

I hope this post has encouraged you to order Hidden Valley Road today. It is a book that you will not soon forget.

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